Iron with PID controller embedded in plastic bag with high porosity sponges.
PID thermocouple moved to center of bag.
Slight tilt to help hot water move to the other end of the bag.
Trying with sponges again (plastic stand-offs weren't proficient at helping the bladders keep their shape.
Unit is fully sealed with bleed valve to release air. Air still finds a way to get trapped in the system.
Added a cam roller to move the water.
Sandwiched heating element in between two water filled bags.
Vertical orientation to let hot water rise to the top (away from the heating element).
Air getting trapped in top.
Sous vide egg test (eggs in two different spots to test temp evenness.)
Double cam rollers with paddles.
Moved PID to iron due to overheating.
No sponge filler; plastic stand-offs. Added agitator and heating element to a C-shaped bladder.
Added structure to top to help compress top piece and remove air.
Egg results; similar consistency but timing not same as traditional Sous Vide methods.